Tuesday, May 29, 2012

P90x Day 1 Review and Before Pictures!

This is my before photo and also 6 months post-partum! Yikes!

There are a lot of mothers out there who feel the same way I do. I was 125lbs before I got pregnant with my daughter, I could run miles on end and not be tired. I ate whatever I wanted to and my weight/figure would never change. 2 weeks after having my daughter I was down to 128lbs, keep in mind I got up to 155lbs, I was so excited and my body wasn't back where it was, but I was still small. As the months went by, I continued eating what I wanted and not really working out. My weight didn't change a whole lot, but I sure did look like it! I'm now 130lbs, 5'5", and my body fat percent is 22.4%. I am not happy with my fat percent or my figure, but I'm one step closer!

I started P90x last night and I loved it! Although, I couldn't do the push-ups for the Chest & Back, because I have a wrist complication. I did do the full Ab Ripper X and the pull-ups for Chest & back. After finishing my exercise I went on a 6 mile, moderate paced, walk. I woke up this morning and could definitely feel it, mostly in my abdominal muscles! This makes me happy, because feeling that pain reminds me it takes hard work to get the body you want and makes me feel good about myself, it means I'm getting muscle and the workouts are working! I'm very excited to do Plyometrics tonight, although I'm afraid I will be very sore tomorrow! I am really thinking about getting P90x Results and Recovery to help! If you would like to join me in my challenge, visit my website or e-mail me!

Thanks for visiting my blog,

Paige Rankin
BeachBody Coach

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